DS106- Comic Book Effect MEME

DS106- Comic Book Effect MEME

It took me absolutely forever to make this image! I’d had some previous experience with the GIMP software, so I tried my luck layering an image I had with the comic book effect image from photoshop. However, I couldn’t figure out how to resize my image to make them fit together, so I scrapped that idea.

From a quick Google search, I found out that GIMP had different effects that you could add to your images. Through a lot of trial and error in the “Newsprint” filter option, I had the image you see above.

Making a meme from this image from my engagement photos with my fiancé was difficult, as I had originally forgotten that we had to make a meme from this in the first place. However, the effect makes it seem like we’re giving each other the “death stare”, and I have my arms wrapped around his neck in what could be interpreted to be a menacing way. So, marriage.

